Global GIAMYUM-RHS-logofooter logo
My Profile
My ProfileUse this page to keep personal, contact and job information up to date, you can add multiple brands.
Manage User
Manage UserSecurity Approvers use this page to manage profiles, account password and security questions, service subscriptions and user status for their team.
Bulk operations
Bulk operationsUse this to handle bulk operations.
Manage Approval
Manage ApprovalSecurity Approvers use this page to approve or deny requests for user access and subscriptions to services.
Manage Service
Manage ServiceBrand Liaisons use this page to manage email and report services.
Manage My Company - Restaurant Alignment
Manage My Company - Restaurant AlignmentUse this feature to manage your restaurant alignment for reporting. Maintain your alignment level structure including territories, markets, regions, and/or areas, and drop your restaurants into their respective alignment levels.
Manage My Company - Team Alignment
Manage My Company - Team AlignmentUse this feature to manage your team hierarchy of reporting relationships for the above restaurant employees in your organization. Updating this team alignment provides a streamlined approach to assigning supervisory relationships for your employees and will auto-assign the manager on the employees' profiles.
Manage My Company - Emergency Contacts
Manage My Company - Emergency ContactsUse this feature to set up emergency contacts for each brand in your organization, including home phone, cell phone, and email contact information.
Manage My Company - 1-800 Email Notification
Manage My Company - 1-800 Email NotificationUse this tool to control 1-800 incident report routing (also known as the Customer Satisfaction Hotline). In this tool you can create groups and assign stores to groups based on alignment and hierarchy.
Manage Transfer
Manage TransferBrand Liaisons use this page to transfer YumLink user profiles, service subscriptions and organization data from one Yum! Control Person to another.
ReportingSecurity Approvers, Brand Liaisons, and Report Viewers use this page to run reports on YumLink information, including user profiles, service subscriptions, and pending requests.
SettingsUse this to settings in Application.